Saturday, May 8, 2010

Fantastic Flower Girl

Flower Girl

The Seffens'

Daddy and Brookie

We already have them going to prom together

The stunning Bride!!!

Getting her hair done!

I was so worried about Brooke being the flower girl at Sara and Chris' wedding. You never want your kid to be the one that messes things up at a wedding...........and we all know at 2 1/2 you never what to except! BROOKE WAS AMAZING!!!!! I honestly could not have asked for her to behave any better. She was awesome for pictures and smiled away (without bribery). She was in LOVE with the ring bearer Drew and they walked right down the aisle and she stood so quietly during the ceremony and marched back on cue. I am so thankful that is all worked out and of course she was adorable!!! She will be ready to go for Auntie Lizzy's wedding in August!


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