The little things..........
but don't go too fast!
NOT A POSED PICTURE...promise! Scott yelled to me downstairs the other day and said you have to see these two girls. This is what I walked into-so sweet. Brooke had helped her get up on the chair and got a book for Bri to read also!
WOW! What a change in weather! It was 82 degrees yesterday!!!! The girls were getting their toes wet with daddy!
Looked out the window the other day and thought this was too cute.......Brooke had decided to get off of her swing and push, Bri is still wearing her jammies and yes they are Christmas ones!
This past weekend was the first weekend since NOVEMBER that we didn't have anything going was so awesome! We just lounged around and played lots. I was thinking man I have nothing to blog about .....but then thought I should just focus on the simple things. So I am sharing some simple moments where my kids weren't dressed perfect, their hair wasn't done but they were being them and they were happy doing it! I just love our family time together! Both girls are growing up soooo fast. Brooke is a little "adult" and Brianne is the little explorer these days! They continue to amaze us!
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