Monday, July 4, 2011

Welcome Natalie Jayne

The Masalin Family

Natalie Jayne

Loving on her cousin

Uncle Scott, Natalie and Brianne

The three cousins: Brianne 16 mos, Brooke 3.5, and Natalie 1 day

On June 29th we were blessed with a very sweet little niece. Natalie Jayne Masalin came a few weeks early and arrived at 8 lbs. She is adorable and has the sweetest little features. We took the girls to visit their new cousin and they were in LOVE! Both girls (and Scott and I) loved being around Natalie. She is too cute! Mom and Dad were so proud and are going to do such a good job! Being a parent is a tiring and demanding job but it is the most incredible job a person can have. We can't wait for the three girls to grow up together!


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