Thursday, August 18, 2011

First Day of Pre K

Ready for 4 year old/Pre Kinder
Brooke requested that we walk to school together
All ready to head in!

"Welcome" centers at preschool

Sissy had to jump in also! (Ooops! A little blurry though)

Yesterday Brooke started her second year at Rock Creek Preschool. I started her last year so she could phase into the Pre K class and become familiar with future classmates. Rock Creek is the school she will attend for Kindergarten to Sixth grade. It was nice for her to see lots of little faces from her class last year and a teacher that she had last year also! She was so excited and marched right in and showed me exactly what she was supposed to do. I am so glad I got to be there to experience this with her and I am so proud of her for adjusting to school so well!

I do have to thank Grammy (my mom) for taking extra good care of her before and after school and to Jen Gordon who will be helping me transport her (it's not easy for a working mom to arrange preschool) We are so thankful that you can aide Brooke in getting this part of her education!


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