Thursday, December 22, 2011

Santa's Secret Workshop

Trying to get all the girls together for a picture
Hannah, Brooke, Rylee, and Hailey

Both girls were in heaven riding the ponies

Carriage Rides so fun!!! We tried all the different carriages

Last Sunday we headed to Santa's Secret Workshop to ride horses, take carriage rides, and of course meet Santa in his workshop. We decided that instead of exchanging presents between the Impeys, Lauers, and ourselves we would buy tickets to this. The girls loved all the fun activities and all did great with Santa and Mrs. Claus. (Of course Santa pics had to be ordered -no using your own camera) Brooke told Santa she wants a two wheel scooter and a pillow pet. She also told Santa that Brianne wants a kitchen. I didn't really think that Bri would get the whole Santa thing, but when Santa asked what she wanted..she responded with "Dora, please!" Too cute!


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