Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth Festivities

What are the chances you get 7 girls?

Good swimmers!

Bri and her friends kicking it (Harlow 3 mos, Braydon is 1 week younger than Bri)

Waiting for the fireworks!!!

Uh oh, where's the sparkler?

The 4th is always a fun holiday, bbqing, swimming, fireworks, good friends!!! This year we were lucky enough to spend it with the Impeys, Lauers, and Sayles. Our kids always have such a fun time together. We went over in the afternoon and went for a swim, we bbqed and then lit fireworks(**which ended up being a little more eventful than I would have liked) We had such a wonderful time-thanks Imps for hosting a great party!!!!!

***Brookie ended up with a small burn on her hand from a sparkler. She actually wasn't holding one at the time but walked right through a friends! She took it like champ though -she was soo tough. We have a cold compress on it and the advice nurse gave me the treatments for it>>>>>That is probably why they say you should keep kids away from fire.


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