Happy 3rd Birthday Brooke Rylee!

We are so blessed to have this little 3 year old miracle baby!!
I also started thinking about how much she has grown over the last year so I thought this would be fun(the interview idea was copied from my friend Jen's blog)
Brooke, How do you like being 3?
I like it I am big girl like Mar Mar, Rylee and Hailey now
Why don't you tell us something about yourself. What's your favorite TV show? What do you like to play with? What do you like to do?
My favorite TV show is Dora the Explorer! I like to play with all my toys..........(I ask to be more specific) Barbies, puzzles, books, and my princess dolls. I like my new music player in my room.
My favorite TV show is Dora the Explorer! I like to play with all my toys..........(I ask to be more specific) Barbies, puzzles, books, and my princess dolls. I like my new music player in my room.
What's your favorite thing to do at preschool?
Ummm... I like to sing the songs at circle time and I like to say the days of the week.
What is your favorite movie?
I like to watch Little Mermaid, Alice and Wonderland, and Toy Story 2.
I like to watch Little Mermaid, Alice and Wonderland, and Toy Story 2.
How about your favorite food?
For breakfast: waffles and pop tarts
For lunch: hot dogs
For dinner:mac and cheese
What's your favorite song?
I like Tay Tay (Taylor Swift) and Fergie Ferg. I like California Girls and Michael Jackson too
I like Tay Tay (Taylor Swift) and Fergie Ferg. I like California Girls and Michael Jackson too
But my favorite kids song are-You got a friend in me (Toy Story) and Trot Old Joe
What is your favorite book?
Every Cowgirl needs a horse, Princess books
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