Friday, November 19, 2010

Brianne { 9 Months}


How big is the baby? Sooooooo BIG!


Each month that goes by is another moment I go............where did the time go? Brianne continues to be such a sweetheart and I can't imagine life without her. She is so precious and we love her dearly

Here is what BriBri is up to at 9 months:
Wearing size 3 diapers
Wearing 9 month, 6-12 months clothing
Moved into a big girl carseat
Crawls EVERYWHERE!!!!! Wants to be right by big sister............
She pulls herself up on EVERYTHING!!! I mean EVERYTHING....stools, tables, chairs, the dishwasher, toys, etc.
Has two teeth
Still smiles all the time and has the best laugh
LOVES her big sister-I catch her watching sisters every move
Has a perfect A line haircut-she has super long hair by her ears and short hair in the back (still debating whether to cut it or not)
Eats 3 meals a day-started giving her people food-avocado, mashed potatoes, string cheese, yogurt
Can clap her hands, wave bye-bye, and will throw her hands in the air-when you say "how big is the baby?"....SO BIG! (thanks Grammy for teaching her that)
Loves the bath and could stay in the tub forever
Doesn't like to be left alone in a room would rather follow the commotion
Says Dada
Still a good sleeper-takes two 2-hour naps and sleeps from about 7:30ish to 6ish.
Is soooo loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Blogger For Crying Out Loud said...

So cute! Don't you just love this age? I miss it!

November 22, 2010 at 8:18 AM  

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