Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Little Mover

About a week or so before Halloween Brianne finally got the nerve to both from rocking on her knees to moving her arms to a full on crawl. The first week she would take a few crawls here and there and NOW she is ALL OVER THE PLACE............I mean it..........I turn around and she is at my feet or in the bathroom or stealing her sister's toys!!! She is loving the freedom to move where she wants. Here are some pictures of her moving

Loves the remote

Forget the remote I am coming for you mom!!!

I love her determined face in this picture!

So I guess the task of crawling began to bore Miss Bri Bri cause now she is up to some new tricks! She has decided pulling up on EVERYTHING is really fun!!! Her are some pictures of her using the gate in the playroom to help her and only a few minutes later, using the rails on the stairs to help. She is a fast one!

And you think I won't go for the staircase too.......

But I am still cute.......


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