Monday, August 29, 2011

Brianne 18 months

At 18 months you might find Bri with all the baby dolls, her tag books, or running around in princess shoes.............

Or you might find her in her newest spot...............the top of any table, couch, or bed she can find!
Life with sweet Brianne, Bri , Bri Bri, Sissy, Bubby, is pure joy. This child is a DELIGHT! Even in her "trickiest" of moments she finds a way to make us laugh.......
~Bri is eating anything and everything she can get her hands on, but she likes to do it herself! She eats great with a fork and spoon
~She has great hand eye coordination and has taken a liking to all sports/hands on activities
~Bri can talk up a storm. Even when we went to the doctor , he was amazed at how much she could speak! She can say tons of words. She can tell you where all her body parts are and what a bunch of animals are and what they say. She is a smart little cookie!
~Still likes to follow her sissy around but stands up for herself more and lets Sissy know what she doesn't like
~Weighs 25 lbs. (79%) and is 32 inches tall (60%) She is more on the petite side
~ She has really taken a liking to Taylor Swift and requests the song "Mean" when she gets in the car
~Not too interested in TV yet but does enjoy Dora if it is on
~LOves loves reading books!
~She loves the pool and bath! She will even jump off the top deck of our pool!
~Still a super happy, easy going, friendly little girl who is loved to the moon and back!
There is so much more I could say but that gives a good summary of Bri at 18 months!


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