Wednesday, October 12, 2011

SF Zoo

Checking out the penguins

Bri and Grandpa

Grandma and Grandpa and the girlsDaddy and Bri on the train

Bri waving to all the people


Bri-loving the horseWeeeeeeee!The cutest little monkey in the zoo and also Bri's favorite exhibit

Happy Birthday Grandpa-Your girls love you!

Last weekend we went to the San Fran Zoo with Grandma, Grandpa, Lizzie, Erik, and Baby Natalie. It was so much fun! Both girls loved the freedom to run around and look at all the animals. Bri was so excited to see all the ones she knew and Brooke was very curious about all the animals! They loved riding the train and the carousel too. We celebrated Grandpa's birthday after too! It was so nice to spend the day together and a bonus ...we got to play with Natalie too! Thanks Seffens/Masalin family for a wonderful day!


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