Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Brooke { 4 years old }

Brooke at 4 years old............
She loves princesses, barbies, books, movies, anything make believe
She has a sweet tooth......the girls could gobble up 10 chocolate chip muffins in a sitting.......
She has the most amazing imagination and loves to play
Is a super student at school.........Her teachers report she is a good listener and very kind to the other students. She is even a helper to the inclusion students.
She is compassionate and wears her heart on her sleeve
She is smart and loves to learn. She is ready for Kindergarten and so excited to go...not sure she knows its a long time until it starts!
She loves her friends and family
She is eager to please
She adores her sister and they have truly become best of friends and love playing together
She loves nightgowns and wearing dresses with cowboy boots!!!
Her hair is sooo long, as we are waiting to cut it to donate to Locks of Love
She is a miracle and we love her dearly...........


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