Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat

The 4th annual year of the Seffens/Evo trick or treating

The Seffens' (Little Red Riding Hood is pooped!)

All the kids

Brookie and Mar Mar

Trick of treating at the spooky houses
Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood ready to go
Fun times in the wagon
Just take one............yeah right!
Trick or Treat
Little Red Riding Hood racking up the candy!

Look at all this candy!!!!!!!!!!!
Trick or treating was so much this year and the best part was all the kids were able to participate! Brooke and Marren could pretty much do the whole thing themselves. Bri and Trevy tagged along and collected tons of candy and took breaks in the wagon! So much to watch these kiddos grow. It is so amazing to have such close friends to share all these events with! We love you Tink and Iron Man!


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