Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brianne {10 months}

Check out my 2 teethers!

Her favorite toy!

Learning to use her munchie mug on the way to school

Go, go, go !!!!

Oh my goodness how is this little munchkin already 10 months old!!!! She is growing up too fast, but we are enjoying watching her develop into her own little person and learn lots of new things everyday. She is still an amazing baby with a smile that is infectious. Here is what Miss Bri Bri is up to at 10 months

Still wearing size 3 diapers
Weighs 20 lbs.
Wears 12 month clothes
Still a good sleeper (sleeps from about 7ish -6ish) Takes 2 two hour naps
Waves bye bye, still loves to clap, dance, and show you "so big"
Says dada, mama, and hi
Eats tons of table food and is more interested in that then her baby food
Crawls, pulls up on everything and cruises around, and now can walk around with push cart
Loves playing with anything her sister has
Has 4 teeth (2 top, 2 bottom)
Loves bathtime-could spend an hour in the tub
Had her first illness-double ear infections (that has been fun ;)
Is so loved by all!


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