Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas Eve

Our family all dressed up for Santa

Brookie all ready to go

Best picture I could get of these lil' movers

Yea! Bri Bri

Gma and Gpa with the girlies

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for the cute outfits

The Seffens/Masalin Gang

Brooke enjoyed hanging with the bigger cousins-Her and cousin Grace

Bri Bri was just about to go night night but Santa arrived so she got to sit on his lap

My girls with Santa

Brooke loved Santa

Look at all the dolls from Grandma and Grandpa (this was earlier that morning)

Another great Christmas Eve at Grandma Florence's house. The kids looked adorable in their matching dresses and minks from Grandma and Grandpa. We enjoyed the wonderful company of the family, the yummy Swedish food, and good times exchanging presents & singing some Christmas Carols. Santa was a big hit as the kids waited by the window and checked out the back deck looking for Santa's sleigh. The girls loved him when he came. Bri Bri liked pulling on his beard and Brooke was so excited for her gift. There is so much love to go around when you have such a big family-it is awesome! Grandma Florence and the helpers did a great job making a beautiful feast (note to self take a picture of all the Swedish food next year) I always enjoy this great night!


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