Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mom's Little Cookie Helper

The girls already to go for cookie decorating

The kids all ready for baking (thanks Grammy for our aprons)

Bri Bri is ready to bake away!
I like how Bri is peeking in to see what sister is doing

Pushin' hard

Brooke and Marren -cookie experts

Man this frosting is yummy!!!!

Frosting the cookies

Brooke REALLY like the sprinkles....... I mean REALLY

The crew decorating away

Mama and Brookie

I think I will try a little bit too

With their finished products all ready for Santa

This is our 3rd year of baking cookies with the Evos and best year yet. The girls loved it and really didn't want to stop rolling and decorating. They were pretty independent and able to do most of the stuff themselves. It is so fun to see how "mature" they are getting.

Our family at the lights

They loved seeing the Toy Story characters

Alice and Wonderland


Checking out the lights

The Evos

Bri loving her gift from the Evos...all the kids wanted it

This is our 3rd year of the Evo/Seffens Christmas. As always it was lots of fun. We did our big cookie project, then checked out the lights (we walked this time) and the kids were really into all the character cut outs they had. We weaved back and forth across the street to see all the different houses. We came back for dessert and presents. All the kids loved their gifts, but they especially liked Bri Bri's Princess ride on toy. Such a wonderful time with good friends. I look forward to continuing to watch the kids grow and enjoy these events even more.


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