Monday, September 15, 2008

Oh Baby!

I went down this weekend to meet my nephew and he is even cuter in person! I think he is a cross between my brother and sister n law! His hair is a crack up. My friend Gina said it looks like he stopped at the barber shop on the way out-it is too cute! He looks so tiny next to Brooke. It is hard to believe that she was ever that small. Kailynn is a great big sister and takes good care of her little bro! Brooke had fun kissing her cousins feet and talking to him while he was in the swing. I enjoyed my visit and (as always) I wished they could live closer!! I uploaded a few pics of our weekend!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

September 11th

Scott and I just finished watching a special on Sept. 11th. It is hard to believe that 7 years has already passed. Days like today really help me to be thankful for eachday I have. Sometimes in life we get so busy (especially me these days) we forget to stop and think about the most important things in life. So since Brookie and Scott are the most important people in my life. I decided to post some recent pictures. Brooke and I are leaving tomorrow afternoon to meet my nephew (Brennan) for the first time and watch my niece (Kailynn) play some soccer! I am very excited to meet this little guy. I will posts pictures after my trip!!!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

I am going to try this out!

My friend Krista has had a blog for a few years and I always love checking in on her and her family. Then Liz and Jeni joined the blog world and I have now decided to join them! I think it is a good way to keep friends and family updated on our life. Here is a quick picture of our Brookie (she was 7 months old at the time) YIKES! I am already three months behind on the pictures. I will have to upload some more recent pictures!!!