Monday, March 30, 2009

Meeting the Bunny

Since we were unsure if Brooke would like the Easter Bunny or not we went to a local Chidlren's store that had an Easter bunny visiting their store. We met the Evangelho's there and let the girls meet the Bunny. They weren't sure about the Bunny and didn't want to go near the Bunny. Trev is at the perfect age so we put him right on the bunny's lap and he smiled away. Brooke warmed up and was willing to give the Bunny high 5's and take eggs from his hand. She finally sat on his lap for like 2 seconds when her friend Abby got there, but she wasn't thrilled with it. Maybe at Easter Egg hunt we are going to next week she will like the bunny a little more!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patty's Day!

Anyone close to me knows that I would celebrate any holiday possbile. I love HOLIDAYS! So although I am not Irish, St. Patty's Day gives me another day to have some fun! We started the day with secret leprechauns visiting and ended with cornbeef cabbage and some irish beer with the Evos. We tried to get a few pics of our little leprechauns (although it is not an easy job!) It was a lovely day with my family and friends! A little different than the ten years ago when Scott and I were up at 4:20 AM drinking green beer at a ten keg party. How far we have come! Hope you all had a wonderful St. Patty's Day!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Made with Love

Last Christmas Grandma Seffens got into knitting and made Brookie that cutest pancho and beanie. She has grown into it and I must say looks very cute in it! Here are a few snapshots of Brookie in her homemade gear! Thanks Grandma!