Monday, November 28, 2011

Turkey Day!

Happy Turkey Day!!! We had a nice Thanksgiving at Tien's family house. It was nice spending time with both families! All the food was yummy. Full belly, full heart, lots of love!

Gobble Gobble!

3 Little Turkeys...........only missing Kailynn (we missed you K Diggity!)

Cousin Time

Fun at the Santa Ana Zoo

Riding the train

Baking and decorating turkeys, pumpkins, and leaves

And some times cousin fun is just too much...............

It is really fun watching the cousins interact now that they are getting older. Brooke and Brennan were two peas in a pod the entire trip. For the most part they got along really well (a few "blows" here and there). I think they played with every toy in the house, they went to the park, baked and decorate cookies, watched movies, went to the zoo, ran around like wild animals and laughed a lot!!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Locks of Love

12 inches!

Brooke has been growing her hair out for some time now. when the movie Rapunzel came out she wanted it even longer. As it got longer I suggested to her that we donate it to Locks of Love (an organization that provides wigs for children who have diseases that cause them to lose their hair). So we decided to let it grow until her Rapunzel birthday and for her Halloween costume. In the last month it was becoming hard to do and getting too long! So we finally decided to cut it this weekend. She was a nervous when she first sat down and got a little teary eyed for a minute and we talked for a minute, then she was fine. She smiled and was so excited about her new hair! She seems to really like the new hair cut. I am very proud of her, as is was a big commitment to cut of 12 inches of hair!!!! Someone out there is going to be getting a nice wig thanks to brave Brookie!

Dancin' on Air

Our little dancing star

Look at Brooke posing in the middle of the crowd (lol)

The girls with teacher Jess

On Friday, Brooke had her dance recital for ballet/tap class she has been taking the last couple months. She takes the class with her friends Rylee and Delaney. They have been practicing very hard and enjoying the class. All the girls seem to be learning a lot. They were so cute at their dance recital. The theme was Dancin' on Air (taking all the dances from move themes) They did two performances the first a ballet number to Somewhere Over the Rainbow and the second, a tap number, to Walking on Sunshine. They were both super cute and the girls did such a great job!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Trick or Treat

The 4th annual year of the Seffens/Evo trick or treating

The Seffens' (Little Red Riding Hood is pooped!)

All the kids

Brookie and Mar Mar

Trick of treating at the spooky houses
Rapunzel and Little Red Riding Hood ready to go
Fun times in the wagon
Just take one............yeah right!
Trick or Treat
Little Red Riding Hood racking up the candy!

Look at all this candy!!!!!!!!!!!
Trick or treating was so much this year and the best part was all the kids were able to participate! Brooke and Marren could pretty much do the whole thing themselves. Bri and Trevy tagged along and collected tons of candy and took breaks in the wagon! So much to watch these kiddos grow. It is so amazing to have such close friends to share all these events with! We love you Tink and Iron Man!

Halloween Parade/Preschool

Walking around in the parade showing off their costumes

The whole class

Brooke and her friend Kendra-they were both Rapunzel
Brooke and her buddy Miles (The race car driver)

Brooke's school had a little parade at the beginning of the school day, so the kids could show off their costumes. Daddy got to take Brooke to this so she was very excited! I joined the class later for some Halloween activities and a practice trick or treating activity. Brooke had so much fun!