Saturday, October 31, 2009

A "Spooktacular" Halloween!

The Evo/Seffens Clan

Our little family

This trick or treat thing is fun!

Just take one please..........
Are these not the cutest bug butts ever!!!?!?!!

Brooke and Mommy

Showing off their hard work!
Hailey, Brooke, and Hannah

For the rest of our Halloween night we trick or treated with the Evos (our 3rd annual) in their neighborhood. The girls were awesome this year. They trick or treated for about 2 hours. They went up to the houses and said the magic words.......trick or treat and thank you! They loved holding hands and seeing what candy was in store for them next! Lots of people complimented their bug outfits and one even said they were his favorite of the night! The Boyle's joined us on the later part of our trick or treating. We stopped by the Impey's on the way home so Brooke could see Hannah and Hailey too! It was such a wonderful evening with lots of smiles and laughter!

Brooke, Jameson, Stella, and Marrren

Happy Birthday Stella!

Pin the body part on the mummy

We started our Halloween off at Stella's first birthday party! The girls has so much running around in their costumes and playing Halloween games. We were glad we share in her big day! Michelle did a wonderful job-the place looked great and the food was yummy!!!

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Carvin' Up Some Fun!

Our carved pumpkins!

Brooke's Pumpkin

Her second pumpkin that she got to decorate with markers and stickers

Mommy and Brookie

Daddy and Brookie cleaning out her pumpkin

Today we decided to carve our pumpkins. We started with Brooke's, she helped daddy clean it out and then told him what shapes she wanted for her eyes, nose and mouth. She also got to color and use stickers on another pumpkin while mommy and daddy finished their carving. Brooke decided that Mommy should have an all triangle pumpkin but then daddy had to show us up with his fancy pumpkin! Brooke loved it when we put the candles inside and the pumpkins became jack o' laterns!

Happy Day Daddy!

Today was Scott's 33rd birthday!!! Since Brooke has been sick we stayed home and celebrated with one of Scott's favorite dinners-fish tacos and had some yummy birthday cake! Brooke and I are so lucky to have him in our lives. He is a wonderful husband and true soulmate, he is an amazing father and a great provider. So today and everyday, we adore you daddy and love you more than anything else in the world! Thanks for all you do for us!

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Our Little Lady and her bee-utiful friends!

Little Lady

We usually take the kids to have their pictures taken but this year we decided to try ourselves! Don't they look so stinkin' cute!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Scootin' Around

On my own

Why not let Daddy push me?!?!

The Kimble's bought Brooke this Dora scooter for her birthday and she loves it! Each day when we get home she asks to go on it! Scootin' around is so much fun!

"Donut"cha Know How Cute We Are!

Brooke and her BFF Marren after their first sleepover and trip to the donut shop!!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

"Apple"ing Day at the Pumpkin Patch

The Seffens Family of 3 and half

Evo/Seffens Clan

Looking for the perfect pumpkin!

Three Amigos

I am 3 feet tall this year

Always looking for new pumpkin patches we decided to head up to beautiful Apple Hill and check out their fall festivities and visit their pumpkin patches! It was a wonderful day. The weather was perfect and the kids had a blast. We started at Abel's Acres and went for a pony ride, took pictures by the cute cut outs, checked out their pumpkins and grabbed some carmel apples! Then we headed to Kids Inc, and had a picnic lunch and headed for the fields to pick our perfect pumpkin. The girls were so good this year-they each picked the pumpkin they wanted and well, Trevor enjoyed playing in the dirt! Once everyone got their perfect pumpkins we stopped for a little apple treat. I love this time of year and all the wonderful activities that we get to share with Brooke and our fantastic friends!

Riding the Range...........

Little Cowgirl!

She kept saying "Mama I doin' it!"

Off I go!

Waiting for the horsie ride!

Last year we tried to get Brooke to ride on the pony and she screamed!!! I thought this year she would not do it again......she proved to be brave and hopped right on!!!! Her and Marren both took a ride around the corral! The whole car ride home they kept saying "I rode a pony" then the other would say "me too!"

Thursday, October 8, 2009

What's in a NAME!?!?!

What is in a name and why is it so hard to pick one? Even with Brooke we had trouble. It wasn't until our friend Jaclyn started called my baby Brooke that we became used to her name and really were set that she would be Brooke. I can't imagine a better name for her than that now! SO we are at it again.........trying to pick a name. Should we go with a "B" name and follow a trend, it should sound good with Brooke, it needs to fit right with Seffens, it can't be one of those names of that crazy student we have had in the past.................Hopefully before this lovely little girl arrives she will have a name!
Here is what we have come up so far (in no particular order)


I am sure there will be many more that come and go......................but hopefully by February we will find the "one"

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Take me out to the Party!

BFF Lil' Sluggers

Today was Trevor's first birthday. They did a Lil' Slugger/baseball theme. Lots of yummy food and good times with friends. The kids even got their own "little league tee", which was personalized with their name on the back! Trevor is very special to us and we love him lots! We are so glad that we have had the opportunity to be so involved in his first year and we look forward to continuing to
watch him grow.