Sunday, June 26, 2011

Kidz love Soccer

All ready to go

Brooke and Rylee

Marren and Brooke love soccer

Trying to kick and knock down the cones

Brooke and Rylee dribbling

Big kicks

Playing the game pinata-kick it to the teacher and you get a cone

Warming up with a little jog

Stamps for all their hard work

About two weeks ago Brooke started a soccer camp through Kidz Love Soccer program. It is a really cute little program. I like that they have the kids moving and dribbling or using a ball at all times. Brooke seems to really be enjoying her time out their and is quite pleased with herself and her skills. They do lots of fun games like where they dribble to certain color flags, or knock down cones, or pinata with their coaches. They give them cones as "prizes". I am looking forward to watching Brooke's soccer skills and enjoyment flourish.

Happy Father's Day!

Scott, Ryan and all the Kiddos

Daddy's Girls

We celebrated our wonderful Daddy by treating him to a round of golf and new clothes and golf goodies. That afternoon we celebrated (for our 5th consecutive year) with a bbq at the Evos house. We had lots of good laughs and yummy food as we celebrated the Daddy's.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Flippin through the Summer

Look at me!

Flippin on the rings

Big Muscles

Brianne and Harlow "hanging" out

Loving the parachute

Swinging around

Keeping balance

Flippin on the bars

Little monkey
Brooke and Hailey doing wall kicks
Trampoline jumps

The girls are taking gymnastics through Flip to It this summer. Brooke is in a class where she does the activities independently and Brianne is in a Mommy and Me class. Brooke is really liking the trampolines, rings, balance beams, and the bars. Brianne likes jumping on the trampoline, hanging from the bars, the parachute and the circuit of climbing and rolling activities.

STAR Swimmer

Torpedo hands
Using torpedo handsFloating
Safety jumpsJump from the wall and swim back
Diving off the side
Diving underwater to get rings and bring them back up

Brooke started her second year at Starfish Swim School and did super from the get go. Ms. Kelly is really starting to push her and improve her skills. Brooke is a super star swimmer.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Folsom Waterpark

We decided to try a park in Folsom last week. It was waterpark and had a great shaded play area. The girls had a really good time running around!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

A day at the Fountains

A happy girl at the Fountains

Rylee, Brooke and Delaney

Waiting for the water to hit them in the face!

I love these pictures because they show the pure joy of being a kid

Aidyn and Bri

Bri loved getting wet!

I love the surprised look on Bri's face after getting sprayed

We took in an afternoon at the Fountains Water park last week. The Lauer girls and my friend Kati and her daughter Aidyn joined us. The girls had sooooo much fun and loved keeping cool in the heat!