Friday, October 31, 2008

A few more treats for you to look at!

Trick or Treat!

A busy Halloween for our little crayon! We stopped by the West household and saw the most adorable ghost and Supergirl! Then we went to the Sayles' house and saw Emerson (a cute flower) We were lucky enough to see the Huff girls (a bee and a princess) at both places. The Impeys girls were looking cute too! (Arial and a fairy) Then we headed over to the Evos house for some Trick or Treating. The girls did really well and walked to the houses and got some goodies (and well Trev-he just hung out). Brookie tired out towards the end but enjoyed the view from her wagon. It was a spooktacular Halloween! Enjoy the snapshots of all the adorable trick or treaters!

Happy Birthday Daddy!

Monday was Scott's 32nd birthday!! YIKES! We just grabbed a quick dinner and had a little cake to celebrate. Here is a picture of daddy and his little pumpkin!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

How cute is this?

My sister n law sent me these pictures of my niece and nephew at the pumpkin patch-How stinkin' cute are they!!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Happy Halloween!

Today we took our yearly Halloween pictures with Marren and Trevor. My mom made the girls crayon costumes (they are too cute!) The kiddos look adorable in their pictures!

Just the two of us!

Just the two of us for the night! WOW! Although we would miss our Brookie we headed to San Fransisco for the night to celebrate Scott's 32nd birthday. We had a yummy dinner at Kuleto's, rode the cable cars,headed to Beach Blanket Babylon (it was awesome!), and out for a few cocktails. It was so nice to be able to spend quality time together! Saturday night we had another adult evening-we celebrated an early Halloween with friends. Sarah and Courtney had a costume party (Scott and I went as a flapper and an Old Time golfer!)They did a great job, it was lots of fun! Brookie had a good time spending the weekend with her Grandparents too!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

Yesterday we took our annual Evangelho/Seffens Pumpkin patch trip. We went to the Pumpkin farm where they had a corn maze, ponies, a petting zoo, and lots of pumpkins! The girls enjoyed running all over the open fields. We tried a pony ride but they didn't like the ponies so much. Another fun fall day!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sliding on My Own!

Here is few snapshots of Brooke going on the slide all by herself! She LOVES it!

Good Friends-Good Times!

This past weekend I went down to Ventura for my good friend Jen's Baby Shower (she is expecting her little girl in December). It was so nice to see her and the boys. Brooke had so much fun playing with Braydon and Carter. They both were too cute with her! Braydon wanting to be the big brother and hold her all the time and Carter already putting the moves on her, holding her hand and leading her around the house! Jen's shower was really nice and she got lots of good gifts!! We always have such a good time with the Kimbles-I wish they lived closer!!!

I posted a few pics of the kiddos!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Big Cheese!

Since I take a million pictures I am trying to teach Brooke to respond to "CHEESE". Here is the picture I got of that today. She cracks me up in her big girl chair with her little leggings!

A Day with the Family

It was one of the first weekends we have been home without any major plans, so we decided to take Brooke to the zoo. We went to the Folsom Zoo (which is really small and the perfect size for Brookie). She LOVED it, especially chasing the peacocks around. She pointed at everything while Daddy read to her about the animals. There was also a small train right outside. Of course we had to take a ride (which Brooke laughed and smiled while riding) and capture some cute pics! We had so much fun. I am sure we will be visiting the Folsom Zoo many more times. It was so nice to have a quiet weekend at home with my family. I love the time we get to spend together!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Big 1 year old!

Wow! It has been a whirlwind few weeks! School has been crazy and we have busy busy with Miss Brookie. She is growing up so fast! She turned one years old. It is hard to believe that she could really be 1!!!! We had a "Big Top" party for her with friends and family. It was a blast-the kids had a great time swimming, jumping in the bounce house, hitting (or trying to hit) the pinata, and playing with Squiggles the clown. I was worried about getting a clown since kiddos tend to be scared of them but this one was very friendly looking and they liked her! She tied balloons and painted faces. As always Brooke was spoiled rotten. She got lots of great gifts that have kept her entertained! It was such a nice day and a wonderful celebration for the child who didn't have much of a survival rate! We were so glad our local friends and family/friends from out of town could make it! I have attached some pictures for those that had to miss the party.

In our busy schedule we also had Brooke's year follow up with the surgeon and got some good news! First they listened to hear breathe and checked her back and they said she looked and sounded good then we took her to get xrays (which was hilarious yet sad) After she wouldn't still they had to confine her in this mini chamber to take the xrays. Brookie did not like that!! But the xrays turned out. After reviewing them the surgeon said that since her last xray (which was October 2007) there has been lung development on the underdeveloped side and that lung growth was healthy, which is good! We did learn that the underdeveloped lung will never catch up to the other one and will always be smaller-kind of a bummer. But the doctor said she is doing so well now that he doesn't see her having any problems. We won't really know until she becomes even more active. The diaphram also looked good too!We are so lucky that our little girl is doing so well!