Sunday, September 27, 2009

Terrific Two!!!

Hard to believe two years ago I was just going into labor at this time and then delivering the most wonderful gift we could ever get. The strongest little girl I know, who has overcome more than most people 10x her age. Each child is so unique and we are so pleased with the little girl Brooke is turning out to be. Each day she continues to amaze us. Here is what she is like at 2.........

She can count to ten and five in Spanish
She can identify all her colors and shapes
Grammy taught her to identify the letters M, D and G
She can almost smell her name (She spells it Broooooooook)
Man is she verbal.......She speaks soooo much and absorbs everything
She is wearing a 3T and size 4 diapers (although potty training will be starting soon!)
She LOVES Dora and Boots
She is a social butterfly and is so lucky to have so many friends!
She loves to dance and sing along to music
She loves her Wiggles guitar
She likes having tea parties and playing in her kitchen
She will tell you she loves her baby sister!
She would read all day if we would let her! She even knows to take the covers off the nice books (or Mommy gets mad~!)

Brooke is such a blessing in our lives and we are so thankful for her and all the special moments she brings to her lives. It is so ironic that she was born on the day my dad passed away, I truly believe he is her angel and is always watching over her.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Rock Around the Clock ......

For Brooke's 2nd birthday I decided a Sockhop would be fun! My friend Leslie handmade 23 poodle skirts for each girl! They were adorable and the girls loved running around in them! It was really hot but so much fun. They danced, they jumped in the bounce house, they swam, enjoyed some good ole' fashioned diner food, and topped it off with some rootbeer floats and cupcakes!!! Brooke had such a wonderful time and we are so thankful she had so many of her good friends here to celebrate with her!

A sense of relief........

After all we went through with Brooke's health after her birth I have been very nervous about this baby and her health. I went to a perinatologist (which is a specialist for preggos). They spent a long time examining each organ and took 20-30 pictures of each part of the body. The spend a lot of time on her diaphragm and the heart (since those were issues Brooke had). The organs were all in their correct places and so far we are looking good. I must admit I am not completely at ease but I do feel better knowing right now she is on track and doing great! We are very excited to meet her!!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

I am a BIG KID NOW!!!

This is Brooke's big girl room!!! She has done soooo great in the transition. Not a peep from her! She loves being a big girl and playing in her big girl room!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Brennan's One!!!!!!

This weekend we headed down to the OC for Brennan's First Birthday Football Bash! It was so much fun-there was a bounce house (which there will be more on that later), the most amazing balloon man, the taco cart, the best cake ever, and lots of laughs. Saturday morning we all helped set up, let the kids try out the bounce house (and what would a trip to the OC be without a Seffens getting injured)Brooke was in the bounce house and bounced right of the house and did a flip and landed on her face on the concrete. It was very scary but she came out great with a little black eye! Once the party started she wanted to get right back in! Brennan had lots of friends over to celebrate his first year! I am so glad we were able to come celebrate with Brennan!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

The Seffens Sisters.......

It's a girl......(they put a question mark since it is only 99.9% accurate-lol!)

This is our little girl sucking her thumb!

That is what we call them.............because this little baby is going to be another girl!!! Although I loved having a brother growing up I always wanted a sister that I could share clothes with, tell all my secrets to, and go shopping with................. and now Brooke will get to experience that!!!!!! We are so excited that she is going to have that special girlfriend/sister in her life. As my friend Gina said how fun is 4 pigtails running around the house!!!!

So come Feb there will be another little Seffens girl around the house (dad is so excited ......he also started putting away extra money for all the dance costumes, proms, and WEDDINGS!!!!!)