Monday, March 29, 2010

Got Eggs?

Grammy's Aprons!

Daddy and BriBri

Love the tongue-she is serious about getting that egg!

All 8 of us........

For the past three years we have celebrated an early Easter with the Evos. We color Easter eggs, have a mini egg hunt, eat a yummy dinner, and enjoy the company of good friends. This year the girls were really into (I will have to remember to boil WAY more eggs for them next year) and the mommies love helping them. Good thing they had their new Easter Aprons from Grammy because boy were they a mess (especially Trevy)! When we got all cleaned up the daddies hid Easter eggs around the yard. Brooke's favorite part seemed to the candy inside the eggs-she snuck in quite a few before dinner. Celebrations like this are so much fun when you have good friends to celebrate with!

Some Bunny Loves You!

Brianne is such a sweetheart and a really good baby. She is a cuddlebug, which I love! She has already brought so much joy to our family and we love her dearly!

Friday, March 26, 2010

Baking up some Fun

Brooke's friends Hannah and Hailey came over today so I decided it would be fun for them to decorate Easter shaped cookies. They had lots of fun and their cookies were yummy!!!

Bouncin' Around

Trying to keep Brooke busy during her Spring Break and of course have some fun..... we decided to meet up with the Marren, Trevor, and Jackie at Bounce U (this is an indoor play place with bouncy houses and large slides). It is really fun for the kids-they can climb, run, jump, and of course slided (which is the favorite). We had a great day and long naps for mommy!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Art Beast


Sand table

Who doesn't love Play-doh?

Good thing this is washable paint!

You can even paint on the walls here!

Making coffee filter butterflies

This is the space the dramatic play room

Today we headed downtown with Rylee, Delaney and Danielle to an amazing little art studio for kids to explore all the arts. It is a three story building with the lower level having dramatic play (dress up clothes, puppet show, musical instruments, a play rocket ship and castle), then the second story was an art studio filled with tables of fun (art easles, play-doh, sand tables, clay sculpting, a colored tape table and art supplies to make whatever projects they may think of), this floor also has a fun little playhouse and loft! The third story was a little play/exercise room and dance studio. Brooke loved playing the guitar and riding in the spaceship. She loved making coffee filter butterflies and painting lots of pictures. Her and Rylee explored the playhouse/loft and danced in the dance studio! It was so much fun and gave the kids the perfect opportunity to explore and the best part was the mommies didn't have to clean it up either!!! Below is a picture of the "art studio"

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Dance Recital

Mommy and Brookie


Brooke and Rylee

Got to love tutu butt!

Warming up for the recital

Leading the girls to the stage

Brooke had her dance recital for her Ballet class this weekend. It was adorable and hilarious! Daddy had to go out of town so Grandma and Grandpa came to help out. Grandpa even ran the video camera too! The program was all the dance groups from Flip 2 It!(I think like 10 age groups/different dance types) were performing. Brooke's group was the youngest so they went first. All the students warmed up together in the dance room and then walked in a single file line to the stage with their hands and shoulders linked. Brooke got to lead the entire group (she was quite pleased with herself). After they introduced all the group Brooke's group performed, it was a crack up. They followed along well at the being showing off their moves but then at the end lost attention and entertained the crowd. The crowd loved it and gave them a big applause. I still laugh thinking about it. Ballet was a fun experience for Brooke and she really enjoyed it. I am so happy we can share all these magical moments with her!

Happy {1} Month Brianne!

Our sweet Brianne, Bri, or Bri Bri was 1 month old on the 19th. I can't believe how fast a month goes. She is so precious and such a good baby. She is still wearing newborn diapers (but soon to move to 1's) , she is starting to out grow her newborn clothes and moving into 3 month. She is eating well and starting to get chubby cheekers and legs! She is a good sleeper too! We love her to pieces and can't imagine what our lives were like without her. I am loving being a mommy of two girls, they are wonderful!

These pictures were from a photo shoot when went to visit my girlfriend Krista and her girlies! They are amazing! She is so talented and such a good friend. I am lucky to have her and her family in our lives!!! Check out more of her work at