Monday, January 23, 2012

Art Beast -Take 3

Kendra and Brooke-Little Artist Friends
Bri's little pal Nate
Bri enjoying the paint
Our little Picasso

Crafting away.....
Brooke and Kendra enjoying a little dress up and pretend theater
We have been lucky to meet so many nice friends through Brooke's preschool class. She loves playing with them outside of school so we made a date to meet Kendra and Nate at the Art Beast. The kids all had a blast. They painted, played in the forts, dressed up and played in the spaceship. The did some art projects and played in the 'fine motor' area too! We had a nice lunch on a beautiful sunny day too! Looking forward to more playdates!

Happy Birthday Laney Bear!

Happy Birthday Delaney!!! A great time at Bounce U!
Who doesn't love a cupcake?
The big sisters
We were so excited to bounce around and celebrate our dear friend Delaney 3rd birthday , Tinkerbell style! We had such a good time (we think Daddy had the most fun) and enjoyed the yummy food! Happy Birthday Delaney Bear -we love your spunky style!

Cutie Pies!!!

Thanks Jen and the Kimble for out cutie patootie outfits! We were styling together and mom couldn't resist snapping a picture..................I mean seriously---------how stinkin cute are they!?!?

Happy Early New Year 2012

Cheers to 2012~~~
We have spent numerous (maybe like the last 7?) New Years Eve with the Evos and this year with Jaclyn having to work the morning after we decided to head to Tahoe and celebrate a little early! It was a great trip filled with lots of new fun and lasting memories! Can't wait for another great year!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

It's a "striking" good time!

Cheesy Bowlers
Daddy helping Bri
Happy with her roll!
Since there was ZERO snow we took the girls for their first bowling experience! They all did really well. It was a little chaotic and kept the mommies and daddies busy but the kids improved and had fun!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Ice Skaters

Hanging at Northstore
Riding the tram was quite a hit
Evo/Seffens Family Skate Experiment 2011

This seems fun!
My stomach hurt from laughing!Jaclyn and her cute kiddos
Bri got some ice time too

Last week the Evos invited us to Tahoe for some Winter fun. There was NOOOOO snow at all so we decided to try ice skating at Northstar. It was quite a scene but lots of fun! Brooke and Marren were the first on the ice and they looked a little scared, but did pretty good when we held their hands and they held onto the side of the wall. Bri walked around in her shoes and was quite content on that. Trevy enjoyed that much more than skating too! The parents tookd a few laps around and then kids all took the skates off and just walked around. I am glad we got to all do this together-it was fun to try. We can only get better from here!