Friday, February 26, 2010

SO TRUE.......

1 Week Old !!!

And so quickly we fall asleep........

I remember telling someone before Brianne was born that I was so excited to have a baby but a little part of me was sad because we were having so much fun with Brooke and our family of 3. Her response was as soon as she gets here you will say to yourself I can't imagine what life was like without Brianne and our family of 4! SO TRUE! What a blessing Brianne is. I can't begin to express how happy my heart is to have her in our family. She is a little angel and we love her so very much!!!! I feel so lucky to have "my girls"!

Rub.......A........Dub, Dub!!!!

Brooke was my assistant for bathtime!

Thanks Evos for my cook bath "cover up". It makes me so much warmer!!!

Being a Big Sister is soooooooo much FUN!!!!!!

It is a hard adjustment when you get a little brother or sister and they require a lot of mommy and daddy's time. So we had planned for Scott to take the week off of school when Brianne arrived and do lots of fun family activities (mostly those that revolved around Brooke and spending time with our new family). We had such an amazing week and we are soooo proud of Brooke and her positive and loving attitude about being a big sister. She is so excited and truly loves her little sister. We catch her telling Bri that she is "so beautiful" , how much "she loves her", how proud she is of her. It is adorable! Here are some of the things we did this week: Visited the Jelly Belly store, Went for walks, Went to a speciality cookie store and each picked our favorite cookie, visited the Sac Zoo, and spent lots of time loving and cuddling!

Brooke loves to "play" with Bri. If we are holding Bri or she is in the swing or papasan, Brooke will move her activity over to where we are and tell us that she is "playing" with Brianne-too cute!

Brooke has been talking about going to the zoo, so we took advantage of the nice weather and headed to the Sacramento Zoo! Brooke loved it!!!! She knew so many of the animals and liked that sometimes they were sleeping and then we would go back and they would be awake. She told me her favorite part of the day was riding the train and seeing Diego's baby Jaguar.

Mommy and Brooke on the zoo train!

Look Brooke and Bri are Kangaroos!

A baby Jaguar just like on Go Diego Go!!!

We live about 2 miles from the Jelly Belly store and Brooke has become such a huge fan of them we decided to take a stroll down to the store and pick out some treats. Brooke loved making her own bag of her favorite color jelly belly treats!


I got to make my own bag

Lil' Sis got some Jelly Bellys too!

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Meet Brianne Elizabeth Seffens

Mommy and her girls
Grandma and Grandpa
Big Sister checking out Little Sister

YEAH a stork!!!

Daddy and his Girls
Auntie Lizzy and Uncle Erik

We have been anxiously awaiting the arrival of our second child for the last 9 months. Brianne Elizabeth Seffens joined our family on February 19th at 12:57 AM. She weighed 8 pounds 3 ounces and was 20 inches long. She has tons of dark brown/black hair. She looks a lot like her big sister did at birth. We are so happy that she is HEALTHY and that we as parents were able to enjoy the "normal" joys of a newborn. Her Big Sister is fascinated by her and loves her lots!

On the 18th of February, I felt labor pains at work (yes I was still working) around lunchtime. They continued to get worse as the afternoon went on. I finished out my day of teaching and headed to my regulary scheduled appointment. My doctor checked me and I was 3 cm dialted and he thought I would probably have the baby that night or the next day. The contractions got worse as we got home. Brookie left with the Evangelhos (for a sleepover) and we headed to the hospital. My contractions were right on top of each other but we had to wait for the doctor to get out of surgery before I could be admitted. I was finally admitted around 6:30 and the epidural was started (after 4 tries-yikes!). I waited for my dialtion to move along and was given some pitocin to help move her head down. They checked me around 12:45, said it was time to get the doctor and told me to make a few pushes (less than 5 minutes) and out she came, beautiful as ever! We anxiously waited for her to be checked and for the nurses to tell us she was healthy! She was healthy!!! What a relief for us, now we could enjoy our new little girl!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Cinderella's Ball

Cinderella and Ariel

The Birthday Girl with her cake
This is yummy!

Yesterday, Brooke attended her second Princess Ball. This time it was Marren's Cinderella 3rd Birthday Ball. She went as Ariel who is her favortie of all the Princesses (she might be a little obssesed with it). She had fun playing with Cinderella, Snow White, and the other princesses, and of course Prince Trevor. We are glad we could all be there to celebrate Marren's big day!It has been a fun 3 years watching her grow up, we are so glad we could be there for all the good memories!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Be Mine!!!

Our little Valentine!

Brookie, Mia, and Abby

Brookie's crew!

Cookin' up some pink cupcakes!

Today at Mia's (her little preschool/daycare) Brooke had a little Valentine celebration. We made princess Valentines (and added a little treat to them) for each of the kids and she was so excited to pass them out. I asked her if she wanted to bring anything to her party and she told me pink cupcakes (just like her favorite book Pinkalicous). She told me she wanted to them PINK, PINK, PINK!!!!!!!!!!! So last night we baked up some Pink cupcakes and the kiddos enjoyed them today! Brooke had fun making a Valentine craft and celebrating with her friends!

Monday, February 8, 2010

Valentine BFF's

Cheese Balls!

So much love!

These three are not easy to catch............

A little gift from Cupid!

I love every holiday, even the Hallmark holiday of Valentines Day. I love that now Brooke can exchange Valentines with her friends. Today we went by Mar-Mar and Trevy's to drop off our Valentine goodies for them. A few weeks ago I bought Brooke and Marren BFF shirts (they were too perfect for them!) so we decided to take a few pictures of the kids to remember this holiday!